Minutes 08
	21 Students
	6 Student Affiliates
	3 Faculty Members
Facilitator: Joseph Furgal
Note Taker: Michael Janice

Girl Scouts Belle Isle
The event is on November 14th from 8:15am-1pm.
We need many volunteers for this event.
Dr. Roberts-Kirchhoff will be giving bonus points to those who attend.

Henry Ford Tour
The event is on November 13th beginning at 2:30 pm.
We are planning on leaving school around 1:50.
We will no longer be using the college van.
This event is a walk through where they will tell us what they need to be done on the samples.
Contact: Danielle

Thanksgiving Potluck
Liz is passing around a sheet to sign up for food to bring.
We will talk to the dean about money for a turkey.
The event is on November 24th from 12:35-2pm.
Liz and Danielle are talking to Liama about reserving the area/tables/chairs.
Contact: Liz and Danielle

Silver Glassware
The event is December 4th. 
We will perform a reaction in the glassware that gives it a mirror-like appearance.
Contact: Meghann

Other Events
Stefan is heading up the Holiday party.
Theresa Springer, spoke regarding research for the Karmanos Cancer Institute.
University of Michigan Nanotechnology will be coming in for a presentation and they will provide
UDM Chemistry Club
Tuesday, November 10, 2009