Minutes 09
	18 Students
	7 Student Affiliates
	5 Faculty Members
Facilitator: Joseph Furgal
Note Taker: Michael Janice

Thanksgiving Potluck
12:35 Tuesday 23rd in the Engineering High Bay
Both the Chemistry Club and Biology Club will be providing the food
Every member of the clubs should have signed up to bring something
The professors from both departments will be invited
Contact: Danielle, Liz, Monica

Henry Ford Tour
A small group from the club attended the event
We were given some samples to test including one which is labeled “opium” and another labeled “pure 	drugs”

Silvering Glassware
All day on Friday, December 4th
The event will occur in C12
Contact: Meghann 

Holiday Party
This will also be Friday, December 4th
We will be having a white elephant gift exchange
Contact: Stefan

Upcoming Speakers
Denise, a patent Lawyer will be speaking on December 8th
Dr. Morris a facial surgeon will also be speaking at a later date
University of Michigan Nanoscience Technology Institute will also be speaking at a later date, possibly 	December 1st
UDM Chemistry Club
Tuesday, November 17, 2009